#natures embrace…#

Written for : Davids W3 Prompt #105: Wea’ve Written Weekly

Thank you David and Ben…for this opportunity 🙏🤍

Destiny’s prompt guidelines
Compose a free verse poem of no more than 12 lines on the theme of ‘belonging’.

Each of us interprets this word uniquely, and its significance may evolve throughout various stages of our lives. Feel free to delve into your personal reflections and follow where your thoughts take you.

Personally, I quite like the way Frank puts it:

This walk is not about what belongs to him, her, or me. It’s not about possessions. It’s about acceptance, connection, fellowship, affinity, association, community, and integration – to be included – to feel a sense of belonging.

Note: You’re not obligated to adhere to any particular interpretation; feel free to explore and share your own thoughts, understanding, and sense of ‘belonging’.

💙✨ belonging✨💙

natures embrace whispers belong

the essence of being at one as one

to a vagrant soul an anchor welcome

as natures embrace whispers belong

tranquil waves draw deep this empty

flowing sweet to a sense of serenity

sharing the warmth of winds so tender

beneath these skies a gifted pleasure

to step for step searching a forever

not me not you but as ours together

as natures embrace whispers belong

at last to be at one as one…

Gratitude: Thank you, Kevin…for allowing me to use your image. truly appreciated🌷

….and to  Frank whose beach walk reflections always prove thought provoking. Thank you , Frank 🌷


Published by Destiny


135 thoughts on “#natures embrace…#

  1. it’s good to invest but do it the right way and have a knowledge of what you investing in before going all out,i was scammed and was able to recover my capital through the help of ‘’ BsbForensic. c0m ,he enlightened me more and i’ve been more careful since then .

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nicely placed words, impressive theme, gentle flow and impressive expression culminates at the end where it started. You have been using this format rather emphatically in the recent months, D.. Thanks for the post share. 👏👏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. it felt so too, Cookie …when I wrote it. took on a smooth flow of its own. glad you enjoyed and thank you for your always wonderful presence here . you are appreciated 🙏🤍🌷

      Liked by 1 person

    1. ah…right there alongside you….lost too…😋
      giving you some time before I bring you back😁
      appreciated, dear Kymber….thank you soo much 🌷🤍🤗


                    1. nope to that thought…when in battle, everything is needed. I’m trying to pack my whole house into a small bag …never can tell what would come in handy lol🤭

                      training hard🥴

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. will take your word for it … you’re the Chief and should know better…. I still think the pots and pans will come in handy though… they’re pretty strong 🥴

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. Well, we shall see soon enough I suppose. 🤨
                      Meanwhile, can anyone explain how there ended up being 5 arrows in the side of my hut this morning?

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. So, they were stolen and someone else either has piss poor aim, or was intentionally sending a message to me? Hmm…anyone familiar with the word “Judas”? 🤨

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                    5. oh…need to be cautious with this one… can’t be blaming others 😬 maybe … just maybe I was practicing….very windy these days are …blowing everything off course 🙄

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                    6. I’m innocently practising here … but everything just comes in the way agh … you could either practice your catch skills….before the arrow hits ….catch😋….or you could just move your abode out the way …if the wind still sends it in your direction….no fault of mine 😬

                      Judas ….who me….no way, your Chiefness….loyal I am…

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                    7. I rather just move the wind 🙄 might be easier and more cooperative and understanding to my practice needs.

                      Lol …we shall when the time comes 😋

                      Liked by 1 person

                    8. I think you should reconsider.
                      After all, when the time comes for me to take over the world, you want to make sure you’re on the right side, eh?
                      Or…do you think you already are on the right side? 🤨🤨🤨


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