#sunrise to sunset#

Written for : Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 12, 12/12/23

From Colleen : Below you will find three kigo phrases that pertain to the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere (5 syllables each). Use one kigo phrase in each of your three poems. 

For the southern hemisphere:

1.beach umbrellas in the sand (7 syllables) 

2.summer celebrations (6 syllables)

3.scorching summer sunshine (6 syllables)

leisure times a sunshiny day favors
beach umbrellas in the sand
seashell hunts from sunrise

summer celebrations colored bright
receding waves leave wet sands
bare feet sink in relief

as sunset skies switches scenes to soothing
scorching summer sunshine sighs
packing away the day


Published by Destiny


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