#different dark#

Written for: Kevin’s No Theme Thursday: 05/09/24

to nights on winds light
soaring an angel in flight
on wings of dreams sweet

across the world darkness bright
lit the skies and flamed the lands


to moments lost time
when dreams feel too far a touch
slowly shattering

some nights drop dark different
just her and her thoughts awake



Written for : Davids W3 Prompt #106: Wea’ve Written Weekly

Punam’s prompt guidelines
Compose a palindrome poem on any theme;
Feeling ambitious? Compose your poem on the theme of ‘gratitude’.
Palindrome poem?
In a palindrome poem, the carefully placed words are readable both forward or backward, word for word.

time’s precious
teaches life
all minutes to seconds
held dearly now
felt deeply emotions
expresses earnestly gratitude
still inadequate feels
to this blessing immeasurable
sincere words of appreciation
true to moments gifted


precious times
life teaches
seconds to minutes all
now dearly held
emotions deeply felt
gratitude earnestly expresses
feels inadequate still
immeasurable blessing this to
appreciation of words sincere
gifted moments to true

Apologies for any errors in form or level of understanding as I twisted it around… or it twisted me around….either or…🥴😬


#autumns tease…#

Written for : Colleen’s 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 33, 5/7/24

drizzling rains drops light
on bare trees yearning its touch
a thirst quenched or tease

as fallen leaves settle too
patience tested to times change

Kigo words: drizzling rains/bare trees



Written for : Eugi’s Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Savory

feel sweet the yearning…. to and from…hear

soft the calling…. ebullience from winds passing…

unhurried a flow from waters bluish white… against

the rush of time….almost still for a while… though

strong its glow….soft the beams fall upon…. nature

painted in a mixture of earthly tones…from

tenderest of hues to shades so brilliantly bold…to

be lost to these wonders… a savory

delight of moments….held on to… to survive….


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